Thursday, 23 August 2012

Political Who-de-whaty?

As a student of International Relations who is currently learning about the ideological and theoretical viewpoints of society's basic structure, I feel it necessary to empty my mind of all the fun facts and important political concepts it has been fed over the last few weeks.... 


.....ahhh, that feels much better. Now with that out of the way, perhaps I can begin my pondering on where I sit in regards to these social views through the ever-cleansing vice of blogging.

Liberalism, Realism, Marxism, Socialism, Feminism, and Anarchy have been tearing pieces from the tissue of my brain, all eager to act as the dominant engine fuelling all my thoughts, values and perspectives on the world. I left a 'Liberalism' lecture feeling as though the people I passed were wonderful beings driven by success, seeking to better their existence and improve their well-being while I so emphatically sought to do the same. One week later, I left a lecture on 'Realism' feeling as though everyone I passed were planning to steal my shoes and use against me the missiles which had been cleverly hidden in their bags. 'Marxism' had me planning a rally against sweat-shops while 'Feminism' encouraged me to beat man onto Mars. I won't even begin to describe the corner in which 'Anarchy' drove me to, but my phychologist assures me the visions will fade in time. All of these overwhelming and powerful foundations have left me questioning my thoughts on the world and it's people, and I am coming to realise that I do not need to utilise only one. 

I am a firm believer in equal rights for all people, and that the pursuit of happiness is a driving force of human nature. I understand that there are people in this world who seek money and power in their pursuit of happiness, and will stop at nothing in order to reach their goals with complete disregard for those that may be hurt along the way. I also believe that there are people in this world who seek wealth and stature in order to help those that have been down-trodden and disadvantaged by circumstance or consequence. 

I believe that a strong government for the people is necessary in maintaining order and achieving progress, acknowledging the needs of all who exist within its reach of power, and not denying the rights of some to accomodate for others. I am pro-individual and also pro-state, as I feel the two can work together in providing a safe, secure and properous existence for all. 

I trust easily, but have been lied to. I work hard to gain trust, but have told a lie or two in my time. I know that I am flawed and although I seek to better myself each day, I know that there are people who don't. I don't go out of my way to make life difficult for others, but I acknowledge that greed and  spite and jealousy are all players in the game. In saying that, so to are compassion, empathy, and sincerity. Consciousness and awareness lay within each person, however not everyone seeks to discover it.  


I'm not sure how much this little debrief has helped in organising my mind, but I don't believe anyone expects me to understand how I look at the world with absolute certainty at a fresh young age of 20. I guess the only thing I can really do is sit back and take it all in, and hopefully find wisdom through my acknowledgement of knowing nothing (Socrates you magnificently eloquent man, you!). 

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